Howard Employment Law and Ascent Employment Law Expand Their Alliance

HEL Blog post
Published On: June 27, 2024Categories: Blog

We at Howard Employment Law (HEL) are pleased to announce that as part of the next phase of our alliance with leading BC employment law firm Ascent Employment Law (AEL), as of July 1, 2024, we are combining our practices so that:

  • HEL clients will now also have access to AEL’s 8 lawyer team and their diverse skills sets, experience and rates;
  • Sebastian will now be working for AEL, as well as HEL; and
  • In some cases, including those clients working primarily with Sebastian, AEL will take over the billing and overall client relationship

The following will NOT change under this arrangement:

  1. If, at any time, a client working with Sebastian/AEL wishes to contact Geoff about any issue they are facing, he will remain available;
  2. Terms of retainer and hourly rates for Geoff and Sebastian remain unchanged;
  3. HEL and AEL will maintain the same high level of service HEL clients have come to expect.

Feel free to contact any of Nikki, Sebastian or Geoff if you have any questions about this.